City Space Architecture






public space culture


City Space Architecture

..2013 - 2023   TEN YEARS..

Read more here

Our engagement with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Habitat III, United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (2016)
26th UN-Habitat Governing Council (2017) UN General Assembly (2017) 
9th World Urban Forum (2018) UN-Habitat Assembly (2019)
 10th World Urban Forum (2020) UN General Assembly (2022) 
11th World Urban Forum (2022) 12th World Urban Forum (2024) 
Our initiatives Our networks

The Journal of Public Space

Past Present and Future of Public Space
Public Space Academy MaPS. Mastering Public Space
Stand up for Public Space! Call for Advisors on Public Space
2020: A Year without Public Space under the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mapping Resilient Communities
Our contributon to research and advocacy projects
From Prevention to Resilience: Designing Public Spaces in Times of Pandemics
A-PLACE. Linking places through networked artistic practices
Empowering Women, Public Space and Climate Change
Safe and Sound Cities
Our art projects 
Pop-up City. Searching for instant urbanity URBAN VISIONS. Beyond the Ideal City
URBAN VISIONS. Architecture and the Future of Cities
Our creative and artistic headquarters in Bologna (Italy)
Museo Spazio Pubblico / Public Space Museum 
Become a Member and join our Global Community

City Space Architecture is a non-profit organization based in Bologna, Italy.

We are a partner of UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme and cooperate with the Global Public Space Programme; we are engaged in the United Nations General Assembly of Partners (GAP), Research and Academia Partner Constituent Group.

We are registered in the Italian Revenue Agency since 13 May 2013 as a non-profit cultural association, according to the Italian Law, with the tax code IT91358070372.
We do not have a VAT/GST number.

We do not develop commercial activities.
According to Art. 10 of our Statute "the common fund, composed - by way of example without limitation - of management surpluses, funds, reserves and all assets acquired by the Association for any reason, can never be divided between members during the life of the association or at the time of its dissolution. 
It is forbidden to distribute, even in an indirect or deferred manner, profits or operating surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital, unless the destination or distribution are required by law".
We are obliged by the Italian Law to reinvest any management surplus
in favour of statutory institutional activities.

City Space Architecture cooperates with the Italian for-profit company Genius Saeculi for the management and development of commercial activities that could arise from our non-profit mission.

We receive funding ONLY from membership fees, contributions, grants and donations. 
100% of all donations goes towards supporting our projects and activities.
Your membership and your support to fulfill our mission is extremely important.


