We are very glad to present the third edition of our research project 'Visioni Urbane | Urban Visions. Beyond the ideal city', a competition entirely dedicated to the investigation of the contemporary city through short films. Visioni Urbane is the first film competition in the Italian context involving film-makers at a professional level on topics related to cities and urbanity, so it is a unique platform able to foster interaction and exchange between different disciplines, such as architecture, sociological studies, urban design and film studies, while delivering to spectators insights and meanings on daily urban life in cities.
Read more about our research project here.
Visioni Urbane is a section of Visioni Italiane/Italian Visions Festival, a well-known Italian film competition promoted by Cineteca di Bologna, a prime centre known globally for film studies, film archives and film restoration.
The 2017 Festival will open tonight, February 27, 2017 at Cinena Lumiere.
The full program of the Festival is available at this link: http://www.cinetecadibologna.it/files/festival/VisioniItaliane/programma_visioni_2017.pdf
The webiste of the Festival Visioni Italiane is:
More deatils on Visioni Urbane at the 2017 Festival (in Italian) at this link:
Follow Visioni Urbane on our Facebook page (in Italian):
and on our Twitter profile @CitySpaceArchi with the hashtag #VisioniUrbane.