Become a member
City Space Architecture is registered in the Italian Revenue Agency since 13 May 2013 as a non-profit cultural association, according to the Italian Law, with the tax code IT91358070372. We do not hold a VAT/GST number.
Read our Statute, in Italian or in English.
If you are interested to become a member or to renew your membership, please read the following instructions and submit your request to the Council Board of City Space Architecture. You will receive by email the confirmation of your enrollment in about two/three weeks after your submission..
Your membership is intended for ONE year only, ending on December 31 of every year.
Since your first enrollment, you can renew your membership just by paying the membership fee, preferably no later than January 31 of every year.
For any information or further assistance, please contact our Administrative Office at
The submission process to become a member or to renew your membership is very easy, just three steps:
1. Your Privacy
In order to become a member or to renew your membership we ask some information about you. We will handle your data according to the the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - read more about GDPR here.
City Space Architecture will never share your data with other entities for commercial purposes, your personal information will be used only by us to communicate with you.
2. Your data
Fill out the form (attached below) with your personal data and then choose the typology of membership and the method of payment. There are three typologies of membership for ONE year:
- A) Junior Member (under 30): 20,00 euro
- B) Ordinary Member: 50,00 euro
- C) Institutions: 500,00 euro
If you are an Institution, please write directly to our Administrative Office at so that we can give you more details and instructions for the payment.
City Space Architecture welcomes universities, architecture and non-profit organisations, art institutions, Municipalities and city-based recognised networks that are developing programmes and initiatives on public space as institutional members. We are interested to partner with these organisations to strengthen the crucial role of public space in our evolving and changing societies, by creating and sharing knowledge for all.
City Space Architecture is a non-profit organisation, we receive funding ONLY from membership fees, contributions, grants and donations.
100% of all donations go towards supporting our projects and activities.
Your membership and your support to fulfil our mission are extremely important.
3. Your payment
Be aware that we are not responsible for any mistake in the payment process so please pay attention during the payment process.
Please pay the membership fee AFTER filling out the above form.
You can pay by choosing one of the three payment methods listed below:
A) DonorBox (Stripe)
You can pay your membership fee through your account Paypal or your credit card. These options are securly managed by DonorBox through Stripe.
B) Paypal Transfer
You can click on the Paypal button below ("Pay Now") and pay the membership fee to Before opening the PayPal page, make sure you select your membership fee (ordinary membership or junior membership) and please write below here the following payment description: 'YOUR FIRSTNAME LASTNAME and YEAR', so that we will easily link your payment to your memebership request.
If you do not have a PayPal account you can also pay by using your credit card after clicking on "Pay Now".
C) Wire Transfer
You can pay your membership fee through wire transfer. Our bank is in Italy, here are details:
Name of the bank account holder: City Space Architecture
Address of the bank account holder: via Paolo G. Martini 26/d, 40134 Bologna, ITALY
Name of the bank: Intesa San Paolo
Address of the bank: via Marconi 51, 40122 Bologna, ITALY
IBAN: IT07T0306902520100000002609
Payment description: 'YOUR FIRSTNAME LASTNAME and YEAR'
Please do not forget to pay ALL bank expenses from your side, to accept you as a member we need to receive the full membership fee.
For any assistance, please send an email to our Administrative Office at